Regulations on authorship, affiliations, potential conflict of interest, appeals and complaints

Authorship and affiliations 

All authors, including co-authors and contributing authors, should be named in the manuscript. A corresponding author should be identified. 

The author (and co-authors) relevant current affiliations should be identified. In case the research was conducted in a previous institutional position or conducted independently, it should be stated as so. Similarily, if the article is part of a funded research, it should be noted as such on the front page. 

Upon submission, authors’ affiliation in the manuscript should be placed in a footnote after the author’s name. In this footnote, authors are free to indicate, if they feel necessary, that thoughts expressed in the article do not necessarily represent the official position of the institutions they represent. 

Disclosure of Conflict of Interest or Potential Conflict of Interest 

The Journal on Baltic Security requires all conflicts of interest or potential conflicts of interest are disclosed during first submission as either a footnote in the manuscript or a separate statement. 

In case the conflict of interest has come to light after the submission, during or after editing or publishing; the article’s Managing Editor should be notified. 

The statement should identify the possible source of the conflict of interest. 

External templates for formulating  disclosure statements are available, we encourage the use of the template by ICMJE available at (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors) If an Editor suspects a conflict of interest and it is not resolved after clarifications/investigations - the Editors have the right to retract the manuscript or publish a "Note of Concern". 

Reviewers are expected to notify the Managing Editor if they think reviewing an article constitutes for them a conflict of interest. Reviewers have the right to refuse from an article at any stage of the review if a conflict of interest or competing interest arises. 

If you are unsure if something constitutes as a Conflict of Interest or Competing Interest, please refer to COPE resources 


Appeals and Complaints 

All complaints, including those of misconduct are dealt with following Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) policies and guidelines.(link + full reference) 

In case of a complaint, please write a reasoned complaint and send it to the Editor-in-Chief for processing. Complaints received will be decided upon by the Editor-in-Chief. In case of an appeal, or if the Editor-in-Chief should not deal with the case due to a conflict or competing interest, an Ethics Committee will be convened. Ethics Committee adjudicates the appeal in accordance with JoBS regulations and COPE guidelines. Ethics Committee reviews the case and consults with the parties before its decision. Committee’s decision is final. 


Articles can be retracted with Editor-in-Chief's decision in accordance with the Retraction Guidelines by COPE. (COPE. 2019. Retraction Guidelines. [Online] 2019 [Cited 06 October 2020] . Suitable as is, has to be credited, (Attribution, noncommercial, no derivs).